By Keith Leon

1. Who doesn’t love to receive a nice, heartfelt greeting card? Now, how about picking up a card that says, “I love you” on just a regular day. Not Valentines Day, not a birthday, but because you remembered to stop and pick up a card!

Write, “I love you” on a stack of little post-it notes and hide them all over the house in clever places. Perhaps, in places that will not be seen for months to come, such as the sock drawer, the bottom of the vitamin container, in a purse or inside the medicine cabinet. It is fun to find these notes! Take my word for it.

Touching is good! The human touch is a healer. As often as you can remember, place your hand on his/her knee, shoulder or hand. Foot rubs are great, and shoulder rubs are relaxing. When was the last time your lover held your face in their hands? Remember that first kiss? Re-enact it today!

4. The surprise picnic is a classic that will never get old. Ask your mate’s boss if you can steal them away for a long lunch one day, then do a surprise picnic in the park. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to keep the love alive.

Do things that are out of the ordinary. If you typically do not do the dishes, do the dishes. If you do not think you are a poet, attempt to write a poem. Your mate will be blown away that you tried to stretch your “comfort zone” to do something nice for them – and believe me, the poem does not have to be good to get the credit for the attempt.

6. When was the last time you had breakfast in bed? Remember that? How about getting up early, and making breakfast for your mate. Surprise them with breakfast in bed. This is one of most favorites of all.

Flowers are good, especially if there is no special occasion. Notice, I put this one last because it’s the easiest to do. I don’t think it ranks up there with all of the creative things mentioned above. But, if you have done all of the before mentioned things and you’re looking for variety, then flowers will work.



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